Massage Therapy
Rob Reider, LMT, is licensed with the State of Michigan and certified with the American Massage Therapy Association. His treatments are designed to remove stagnation, promote healing and increase well being. He offers 60- and 90-minute sessions. Owing to his many years of experience in the healing arts, Rob’s techniques are effective and produce powerful results. A session will leave you feeling grounded, deeply relaxed, refreshed and rejuvenated. Services are offered at his offices in Grand Rapids and Ada.. Call for locations. This is a professional, high quality, safe and satisfying treatment. Experience the safe effects of natural energy balancing free with each treatment
Massage FAQ
What is massage therapy?
It is a hands-on manipulation of the soft tissues of the body including muscles, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments and joints.
How long is a massage?
One hour is standard, but one and a half hours is better.
Are there any preparations I need to make before an appointment?
It is best not to eat at least 90 minutes before a massage. Massage is similar to swimming or working out. In massage, the blood is taken away from the digestive process and directed to the massaged peripheral tissues. The result would be poor digestion and possible discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract.
What can you do about tension headaches?
Massaging the neck and shoulders assist you to relax by softening the muscles that impinge on your head.
What can you do about sinus headaches?
Face massage will allow the sinuses to relax and the trapped fluids to release and drain.
What can I expect at my first appointment?
You will complete a confidential health history and sign a consent form. Your therapist will review the health history and your needs or wants to determine your treatment goals.
Must I undress for my massage?
You will be covered with a sheet so that only the area worked on will be exposed. It is your choice to undress or not. A skin to skin massage has the greatest therapeutic effect, however.
Am I expected to talk during the massage?
No, however the therapist may require verbal information pertinent to health findings during treatment.
Who should avoid massage therapy?
Massage is not advised for anyone with an infectious skin disease, a rash, or an unhealed wound. Avoid massage immediately after surgery, or if you are prone to blood clots. Phlebitis or varicose veins preclude the use of massage, and it should never be performed directly over bruises, inflamed or infected injuries, areas of bleeding or heavy tissue damage, or at sites of recent fractures or sprains. Massage is not recommended for cancer patients immediately after chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Avoid massage over any known tumor and any area with a recent surgical incision.
Will the massage hurt?
Relaxation massage should not feel uncomfortable. Therapeutic massage requires the client to receive a moderate amount of discomfort within the level of the client's tolerance. Tight muscles and stiffened joints need release and, once released, the body's protective sheath from pain has been uncovered. Heat, stretching and further treatments bring a healthy change to the client's condition, resulting in greater flexibility and a more functional individual.
How quickly can you make me feel better?
Sometimes immediately. Other times it may take a number of treatments depending on the client's limitations and condition.
What can I do to speed up the healing process?
Stop the activity that is causing the discomfort. Apply heat within reasonable limits to the muscles governing the defective area and practice proper stretching techniques as set up by your therapist and yourself.